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Famous People From Santa Ana

Something is fascinating about knowing a famous person. It’s difficult to quantify, but exciting nonetheless.There are times when we look at someone and think, “This guy is going places.”This is because some people are born with natural talent and a certain sparkle that makes them unique. You may be asking yourself the question,“Are there any famous people from Santa Ana, California?”Absolutely! In fact, there are more than a few familiar names and faces that call Santa Ana their home or birthplace. Here’s what we discovered:

Depending on your age, you may have seen the Grease movies. What you may not know is Michelle Pfieffer starred in Grease II in 1982. She played the role of Stephanie, a beautiful blonde high school girl who turned the heads of everyone. She was born in Santa Ana to Richard and Donna Pfeiffer and has two siblings.While Stephanie was an imaginary character, Pfeiffer is a true actress who has seen great success in her career, including starring in films such as Scarface, Batman Returns, White Oleander,and the Famous Baker Boys. These films came to her because of her performance in Grease II.

Another famous actor from Santa Ana is Michael B. Jordan, who like Pfeiffer, also has a mother named Donna. Jordan and his mother eventually moved to Newark, New Jersey, but Santa Ana has always been home for this well-known and respected actor who starred in TV shows, such as Friday Night Lights, and films, including Creed and Fruitville Station. He is currently working on the film that takes a look at the Black Panthers.

If you’re a fan of classic films, you may recall the Bette Davis and Joan Crawford classic, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? One of the lesser roles was filled by a young actress named Barbara Merrill. Her mother is Bette Davis.She also goes by B.D. Merrill these days.Merrill was born May 1, 1942, in Santa Ana, though she moved around extensively, depending on where her mother’s career led her. She was an important character in the recent FX television show Feud: Bette and Joan.

Tina Q. Nguyen, born on June 4, 1993, is an accomplished actress, national dance champion, and beautiful singer. She was born in Santa Ana, though she was enthralled with dance lessons, including ballet, hip hop, and cheerleading. Though she was ill, she competed in a national dance contest and scored well. Within a few years, she made the transition to acting.

Jesse Moynihan, an Emmy-winning and well-known and respected artist and writer, was born in Santa Ana in 1978. He grew up on the east coast, but still, visits his birthplace with his own family. Moynihan is probably best known for his work on the animated TV show, Adventure Time.

When someone you knew or grew up with becomes famous, it is always surprising to see that person in a new light. We never know who someone will become one day. We also never know who we might become, either. That’s the magic in life.

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