Santa Ana

Criminal Defense Lawyer Aggressively Defending Your Rights

  • Attorney Houman Fakhimi has experience defending clients against all types of criminal charges.
  • Houman Fakhimi was named Finance Monthly’s Criminal Lawyer of the Year in 2011.
  • Houman Fakhimi also has a perfect 10/10 score on Avvo, which is calculated based on client reviews and a number of other factors.
  • Our award-winning law firm always offers honest legal advice and aggressive legal representation to our clients.
  • One of the reasons why we are among the best law firms in the state is our support team, which consists of research lawyers, investigators, and experts.
  • If you have been charged with a crime, you will need to schedule a consultation with one of the top attorneys in the area.

It’s hard to think straight if you are being placed under arrest by a law enforcement officer, but it’s important to remain calm and remember your rights. Don’t try to explain yourself or answer any questions that the arresting police officer asks of you. It’s best to exercise your right to remain silent during this time. Another right you need to exercise is your right to an attorney. If you are charged with any crime, you will need a criminal defense lawyer by your side to protect your rights and fight the charges.

A criminal defense attorney will immediately step in and ensure that you do not make any incriminating statements to law enforcement officers. He will begin to review your case to find flaws in the state’s investigation, analyze the evidence that is being used against you, and present you with legal options regarding your case. Having a criminal defense attorney is your best bet at achieving a favorable outcome in your case. Schedule a consultation with our team of attorneys so you can learn about your legal options.

Law Firm Defending Clients Accused of Drug Crimes Throughout Southern California

  • Our award-winning lawyers collaborate with investigators, experts, and research attorneys on every case to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
  • No case is too big or too small for an attorney at our law firm to handle.
  • Houman Fakhimi was named a “Super Lawyer” in 2015, which is a title only given to the top legal professionals.
  • Our honest and aggressive attorneys are fully committed to your case, which is what sets us apart from other law firms.
  • We often receive favorable reviews left by some of our former clients.

The state of California has laws in place that prohibit the manufacturing, transportation, selling, and possession of illegal drugs. Although possession of a small amount of certain drugs is typically a misdemeanor, other drug crimes are far more serious and are usually charged as felonies.

The consequences that you face will depend on a number of factors, including the amount of drugs involved, the type of drugs, whether you had the drugs for personal use or were planning on selling them, and your prior criminal history.

Some of the most common drug crimes in California are possession of concentrated cannabis, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of other drugs such as LSD, methadone, and methamphetamine. If you are being accused of committing any type of drug crime, speak with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. You will need an attorney to defend your rights so you can protect your future and keep your record clear of convictions.

Lawyer Dedicated to Achieving the Best Possible Outcome in Sex Crimes Case

  • Award-winning lawyer Houman Fakhimi is fully accredited by the Association of Federal Defense Attorneys and the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice.
  • Attorney Houman Fakhimi will always be upfront and honest with his clients.
  • Our team of aggressive lawyers, investigators, and experts will come together to create the best defense strategy for your case.
  • Our clients often leave reviews to let us know that we are one of the top law firms in the state.
  • If you are facing any type of criminal charge, contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation.

Society looks down upon people who have been committed of any crime, especially if that crime is sexual in nature. Some of the most common sex crimes that are committed in California include sexual battery, possession of child pornography, statutory rape, forcible rape, and soliciting and engaging the services of a prostitute. Although these are the most common sex crimes, they are far from the only sex crimes that you can be charged with.

The consequences for being convicted of a sex crime are serious. Not only could you face possible jail time, but you may also be required to register as a sex offender for a few years or the rest of your life. This means you will have to carry the stigma of being a sex offender with you long after the crime was committed. Don’t let this happen to you. If you are facing sex crime charges, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney today.

  • Our award-winning law firm has handled hundreds of criminal cases.
  • Attorney Houman Fakhimi has over 20 years of experience providing honest and aggressive representation to the accused.
  • Unlike other law firms, there is no case that is too challenging for our team.
  • Houman Fakhimi has been recognized as one of the best lawyers in the state.
  • Our team of top attorneys will never pressure you to make a plea deal unless it is in your best interests to do so.
  • Visit Avvo, a lawyer rating website, to read some of the reviews left by our former clients.

It’s estimated that police agencies in California receive between 150,000 and 250,000 calls related to domestic violence every year. Once police officers arrive at the scene, the victim may exaggerate the events that took place, and an innocent person may be arrested for a crime that he did not commit. This happens far too often in the state of California, and if it happens to you, it’s important that you seek help from an experienced criminal defense attorney.

It’s important to remember that being accused of domestic violence is not the same as being convicted. An attorney can review the evidence in your case and determine the best defense strategy to use moving forward. A lawyer may be able to help you prove that the victim lied or exaggerated about what happened. It’s possible that the evidence that is being used against you was seized during an illegal search. Or, you could have been acting in self-defense at the time of the crime. Discuss your legal options with a criminal defense attorney today.

Trial Attorney Fighting For The Freedom of Those Accused of Weapons Crimes in Orange County, CA

  • Attorney Houman Fakhimi has handled a number of high-profile criminal cases.
  • Houman Fakhimi is an award-winning lawyer who has been recognized by his peers in the legal community and former clients.
  • We have the best support team that is constantly working behind the scenes to help our top attorneys win your case.
  • You will always receive honest legal advice and aggressive representation from our lawyers.
  • See what sets our law firm apart from other criminal defense law firms by reading our reviews on Avvo.

As a resident of California, you may be charged with a number of weapons crimes. If you are in possession of illegal weapons, such as assault weapons, silencers, machine guns, or armor piercing ammunition, you will face criminal charges. It’s also a crime to carry a concealed handgun without a permit or have a loaded firearm in your possession on school grounds. If you have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or you have been convicted of domestic violence, you are not legally permitted to own a gun. State laws also outline how old you have to be to own a gun, where you are able to purchase guns, and how you can legally carry them. This is just a small sample of the many weapons laws that you will have to follow while in California.

If you are charged with one of these crimes, you could face steep fines and time behind bars. Protect your future by seeking legal representation from an experienced Santa Ana criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

If you have been charged with a crime, don’t hesitate to contact the Orange County criminal defense lawyers at Fakhimi & Associates. Some of our criminal law practice areas include federal crimes, drug crimes, theft, sex crimes, and violent crimes. Schedule a free consultation with our law offices today by calling (714) 705-6701 or filling out the form on our website.

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